Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thursday 8.1.13

Well, the harness didn't work out so well.
She was fine walking around the house and out in the yard with it - we worked on that all morning and afternoon (skipped morning walk for that reason) but when it was time to put the leash onto the harness, she turned into this:
I am a statue. I will not move. Nope, not even for that cheese.

I tried and tried and tried to get her to feel comfy - cheese, patience, teaching, more cheese, more patience....nothing. Then I was finally able to get her out the back gate, but once we got to the sidewalk, statue again. And she was SERIOUS this time.  On a  leash she is usually just fine once she gets to the sidewalk - she will start walking once I say "Let's go." Just not with this harness contraption. I saw how stressed she was (shaking) so I brought her back to the yard. I was quite torn on what to do next....bring her inside and give up, or get that leash/collar setup on to try that way. I was a nervous wreck thinking she might statue with the collar/leash on the sidewalk as well. Please Grace....please don't regress on this one....Momma wants to WALK! Pretty please!!!!

Phewww.....luckily she was able to walk with me using the collar/leash. We had the usual issues with getting out the gate, but once we were out she walked with me ok. Pulled when we heard kids, but that is normal for her right now.

At night (this time when it was dark - around 10pm) my husband decided that he did not want another night of the little pony jumping around the bedroom at 1am. He wanted sleep. So, he took Grace out for a jog. This was his first time taking Grace alone so I was a bit nervous at first, but things went great! She had her same pouting of, "No, I don't want to go!" by the gate, but once they got out and running, he told me she did an awesome job! Woo!

Needless to say, she slept the whole night.  :)
We might be onto something here!

Without a doubt, she is definitely feeling more comfortable with us. She has been coming up to me for pets more and more each day. Today there were two incidents in the hallway where I was petting Grace and jealous Béla came up with her stink-eye. We had two special moments where I was petting both at the same time. I wish I had a picture of that! It really made me smile. The SAME THING happened downstairs in the evening with Craig - he was sitting on the floor and had both girls within arms reach so he was petting both. Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! I did get a picture of that, but I don't like to post pics of people on a public blog without their permission...I will ask him later, though ;)

I remember when she would just stay in her bed and not get up for pets. It is so nice to see her trusting us more and wanting affection. This morning she even stood by my side in the kitchen while I was preparing her meal. Two weeks ago she wouldn't stand in the same room as me at mealtime.

I need to always remember these things to keep myself in check. She HAS come a long way already....with more successes to come!!!

All smiles today!

Make sure you post MY pretty face today, too!
The scene of Craig's "double petting" achivement

Special moment when she laid her head on my leg while I was by her bed.

She LOVES this gift from her Aunt Amber. Hours of stimulating licking and chewing!


  1. Glad she did well with Craig on the night run! Have you tried a light jog with her? I know you mentioned you are not a runner neither am I but I guess I would have to try it just to see if she did better with you.

    Aren't you glad I always add my two cents! Sorry but this is a mystery to me why the morning walk is ok and nights aren't. You even took her out after dark when the neighborhood had settled down. I thought for sure that may have helped her. Little by little I guess.

    Your doing great and she has come so far Debbie. Keep it up!

    Ok I also have to ask what is the name of the toy her aunt bought her! Looks super cool and I think my pups may like that. They have the kong.

    1. I just re read your post it seems that Craig took her out at dark and your walk was when it was still daylight?

      maybe it was the jog but also maybe because the neighborhood was more settled at 10pm. Hmmmmm

    2. I am going to try to WALK her by myself around 10pm to see which it or quiet that made the night walk better.I am so glad you always add your 2cents! Thank you for commenting and caring! :) There should be a link where the words "LOVES this gift" are under the picture...try hovering your mouse over it and click on it.

  2. I will be interested to know if it was the jog or the quite neighbor.

    Thank you for the link on the toy. Does Gracie have the large or med.? Can you add your treats to it or do you need to buy some special treat that fits it. I could not find that info in the description.

    Thank you!

    1. She has the comes with the one big treat inside it, but you can add others to the underneath section. They also sell refills. She loves to lick and lick and chew that thing that came in it. I will most likely keep buying refills for it.


Thank you for your comments! :)