Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Go the F*ck to Sleep"

Go the F*ck to Sleep -read by Samuel L Jackson

I am not going to lie.
THIS story went through my head last night from 12:40am - 2:00am. 
I wanted to read it to her.
Or have Samuel L Jackson read it to her.

For some reason, Gracie decided that 12:40am - 2:00am was going to be her playtime. 
And I don't mean playing downstairs quietly with a soft toy.
I mean playing LOUDLY upstairs in our bedroom.
She brought UP EVERY noisy, heavy chew toy from downstairs, threw them around and loudly chewed on them.
Then she did this thing where she throws her front legs on the floor loudly to make a tremendous THUMP! - I KNOW that this is her play, but why can't she do this in the afternoon when everyone else wants to play! 
Nighttime, Gracie? Really?

Now, don't get me wrong, I was happy.
Happy that she was letting loose.
Happy that she was having fun.
Happy that she was enjoying her toys, 
Happy that she was playing.
Happy that she barked to go outside because she had to go to the bathroom again.
Happy that she seemed happy.

But, my husband and worked a very very long shift the day before and needed his sleep.
I had not slept well the last few days worrying where each animal is at any given time or worrying that someone needs to go pee.
I was tired.
Craig was tired.
We really wanted to sleep.

The only difference I could tell about last night was that Craig slept with the TV on. Perhaps she saw the TV being on as "oh, everyone is still UP, let's PLAY!"
Once I turned it off at about 1:50am, she want to bed a few minutes later. Not sure if the two were connected or not, but I guess we shall see the next time the TV is on.

Craig likes to watch TV before bed, so turning it off just to let her fall asleep is out of the question. Hopefully the next time she realizes that TV on does not mean playtime.

Last night's walk went quite well for a night walk. I call it a night walk, but really it is at about 6pm, not even dark yet. Craig and I both took her this time. She seems to do a little better when the whole pack is out. She still hated hearing kids...especially the kids on skateboards. What is it with skateboards? Loud trucks/cars pass and she is unphased...but a skateboard sends her into a tizzy. Weird. 

This morning, I took out the harness to try.  She seemed afraid of it right off the bat, thinking it was the collar/leash. Seeing how she reacted, I decided to whip out her cheese (high value treat.) I gave her pieces of cheese while the harness was in my hand or on the floor next to her to try to give her a good association. I did not put the harness on until I saw that she calmed down with it simply near her.

When I put it on, she was very calm and let me adjust it. Right now, she is laying in the office with me wearing her harness. I think I am going to skip the walk this morning and just let her walk around the house with the harness for a bit. I REALLY want her to like this thing.

Béla has started to show some jealousy. 
I can feel it. 
Don't ask me how I know, but I just feel it.

Yesterday she swiped at Grace a few times. Grace wasn't any closer than she normally has gotten, so I thought Béla's behavior was a little strange. Béla has also been giving me the stink-eye when I give Gracie treats - so I have been trying VERY hard to give Béla a treat whenever Grace gets one. The only problem with this is that Béla needs to lose a few pounds (don't we all?) so I need to be careful, even with skimping on her food a little bit.

I think I might have to have Béla stay upstairs w/ the baby gate closed when I am feeding Grace downstairs. Normally, Béla just sits on the top of the couch, but yesterday she was on the counter watching Grace eat with a stink-eye. I carried Béla upstairs to show her that she has hew OWN food ready at all times.

This is such a learning process with Béla, too.

I love this outdoor raised does Gracie!

Even though I'm a scaredy-dog....I love my life!


  1. Just found your blog (loving it!). We are tossing around the idea of adopting a greyhound so trying to learn as much as I can. We do rescue work with Cavaliers and have four of our own, so I worry how a Greyhound would do with them. Thank you for sharing your experiences!!

    1. I think you totally should go for it! As long as you adopt a dog that is small-dog safe you will be fine. Gracie is super shy so she has more issues than other dogs might have. As you already know, any dog is work though...but so worth it! :) keep me posted if you decide to adopt!

    2. Thanks Debbie! I was going to say the same thing as Susan, normally at night I have to put the chew toys up from my little guys. They would lay in bed all night chewing them driving me crazy if I didn't. Bedtime is very routine at our house and that seems to help get everyone to settle down nicely.

  2. Oh dear god, Gracie is a trip. Did you take all the toys away and put them up at that hour? I sure would have. It maybe the tv but was this the first night it was on sense she has been in your room sleeping?

    Sounds like this girl has a mind of her own sometimes! LOL

    Can't wait to hear how the walk goes with the harness. Where did you get that outdoor bed?

    1. I am glad you said you would take the toys away...I will do that tonight! At first I was thinking,"oh, maybe it's not good to take them away...they are HERS." But seriously 1am is not the best time for play!
      The harness walking did not go well. She was fine walking around the house with it and out in the yard, but as soon as that leash went on she wouldn't move. Ugh :(
      That outdoor bed is from amazon- she loves it!

  3. I agree 1:00 a.m is not play time! Just like with our children toys get put away before bed! Lol my child is 26 so I don't have that issue any more.

    Remember it is up to us to teach them! Even though they would like it the other way around.
    Sorry the harness didnt work out but you never would have known if you didn't try.

    1. I'm glad you both put toys away at night...I felt bad taking HER stuff away! But you are right, I certainly wouldn't let a KID play at 1am!


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