Slept downstairs again last night. Béla even joined me on the top of the couch (her favorite spot.)
When I got up, someone got up on her own! She must have really had to go! I praised the hell out of her, took her by the collar, and brought her outside. Yeah, she sure had to go!
The best part was that she actually RELAXED for the first time since coming here. She played with the tennis ball and playbowed a few times!
I was so happy to see this!
She is also starting to approach me to accept treats from an outstretched flat hand. I am learning that LIMITED EYE CONTACT is key right now. And ignoring her as much as possible to just let her"be" and feel comfortable. Also, approaching her with the side of my body as opposed to the front, especially if I am sitting by her. I am always sure to turn my body to the side to get her to come over....for now.
We had a Big Bad Birds of Paradise Leaves Rusting in the Wind therapy session this afternoon. Me and her in the yard...just exposing her and trying to get her used to it. Joyce suggested that I bring her bed out to let her associate the sounds with good things.
She was super skittish at first...laying in the far corner where she
laid yesterday in fear on the ground looking up at the scary monsters.
Then she finally came over and laid on her bed (praise praise treats treats!)
I did my best to ignore her and just let her get used to it
all...then I started to use calming phrases like, "It's's just
the wind" and talk to her about what was going on. I even felt like a
crazy lady telling her stories such as how I used to be afraid of
spiders and now I trap and release them. The neighbors must think I am
Each time I saw her react in a calmer way when the leaves would
rustle louder I gave her treats and praise. Sometimes she'd freak, get
up, walk around all nervous, walk to that far corner....then come back
to the bed (praise praise treat treat.)
I did this for about an hour and will do it again tomorrow.
Then we went for a 20 min walk!!! She would get skittish and want to
turn around when she heard large palms trees rustling in the wind overhead,
but calm words, a little tug, and "Let's Go" got her back on track each
time. *I* also felt more confident on this walk. I think that made a
HUGE difference. I went with the attitude of "I am in charge. We are
walking where *I* want to go." Of course, while still watching her signs
to make sure she could handle it. It is definitely a delicate balance of
wanting to be motherly...and wanting to be in charge and show
leadership. Just like in a classroom, I suppose. Like I said before I find that I've been using my first grade
teaching strategies a lot with Grace the last few days. Hopefully her
successes continue!
Inside, I caught Grace at the bottom of the stairs when I peeked down at one point in my effort to IGNORE her a bit
(our stairs are the kind that have 2 parts to them- where you get to one
landing then turn a corner to go up 4 more to the top- not sure if not
being ale to see all the way to where these things lead is what freaks
her out now.)
She had an EXCELLENT walk with Craig and I today and even jogged a bit with Craig! We took her to some unfamiliar streets and just kept saying "Let's go!" while giving a gentle tug each time she tried to resist a new turn.
At dinnertime, I decided to not hand feed. I sat at the bottom of the stairs, which are in sight of her bow. She downright refused to come to her bowl for the longest time. I would not give in, though. I sat there until she came over and ate. I didn't make any sudden movements this time, knowing that any movement would have her scurrying back. But, she will need to get used to movement...and me being near her while eating. Her bowl is in the kitchen and I am certainly not staying out of there to let her eat!
Tonight there was no sleeping on the couch for me. Per Joyce's recommendation, I went up to sleep in my own bed. If Grace was going to whimper or cry, I had to let her cry. No giving in! So I prepared myself for a night of earplugs and neighbor complaints, but Grace stayed downstairs and slept without a peep!
Not a whimper or a whine or bark or anything! Trust me, like the
Metallica song "Enter Sandman," I slept with one eye open last
night....listening for any activity...and hoping for the best with Queen
Cat Béla. Grace was muzzled, but Bela has the run of the house. Béla
usually sleeps downstairs so of course I knew I was taking a bit of a
risk there. Thankfully, no issues. Grace honestly seems so unphased by
Béla that when Béla walks past her bed, Grace wont even pick her head up
or even perk her ears.
Hoping that continues....
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